Welcome to SF Maven Plugins
Hello, the sf-mvn-plugins project is a suite of maven 2 plugins.
This plugins should be support the user/developer to handle
things with sourceforge.net or with maven 2.
The subprojects could you find at the left side. Here is a short
description of each subproject.
- Wagon HTTP SF
- A maven build extension to support a wagon to download of maven
artifacts from sourceforge.net file release area (Works only if the
checksum are present in the file release system!).
General maven could
handle download of this artifacts, because the download need to
append a string /download. This does not support the standard http
wagon of maven. This wagon support it.
The 2nd problem is,
sourceforge give a valid response if a artifact is not available.
So maven could not decide is the artifact available for download or
not. This wagon check the response status 302 and 301. Only 302
will be downloaded from sourceforge.
- JAR Install Plugin
- Many artifacts are not hosted at a maven repository or there are
chesum files present at the hosted location.
So you need manually
download this artifacts and install them in the local repository.
This plugin can be done this job for you. You must describe in the
pom.xml where is the jar (per url) and where should it be stored
via groupId, artifactId and version.
- 1JAR Maven Plugin
- A plugin to support one-jar technology with maven. It bundle all
your project dependencies from pom.xml into a jar.
You can start the
jar with java -jar my.jar. The intern classloader of
one-jar make
your dependency classes valid in the classpath and so accessable to
your application.
- Example 1JAR Thinlet
- A simple example for a old thinlet application wich is bundled
by 1JAR
to use the one-jar technology.