Changes of wagon-http-sourceforge Plugin

Release History

Version Date Description
0.4 01-2010 Make the project to a final state
0.3 01-2010 New stuff and new features
0.2 01-2010 Extend the wagon extension to a maven plugin.
0.1 12-2009 Initial wagon extension to download the next wagon versions.

Release 0.4 - 01-2010

Type Changes By
update Removed the plugin Mojo again. tmichel
add Cleanup action added to the wagon. tmichel
update Changed Logging from sun standard logger to slf4j logger. tmichel
update Update the FAQ. tmichel
update Update the project web site. tmichel

Release 0.3 - 01-2010

Type Changes By
update Check the response code before downloading a artifact. If code 301 (moved permanently) it will be not downloaded. (only meaningful for file release system) tmichel
update Inherited from wagon-http-lightweight version 1.0-beta-6. So the new features of wagon-http-lightweight are available. tmichel
add Add a test for invalid sf urls. tmichel
add Add a FAQ for this wagon. tmichel
add Add a project web site. tmichel

Release 0.2 - 01-2010

Type Changes By
add Add a Mojo to implements a plugin without function. It is needed to override the wagon extension with newer version wich will be downloaded from sourceforge file release system. tmichel

Release 0.1 - 12-2009

Type Changes By
add Hosted the wagon extension in a svn folder to download from sourceforge with maven in a regular method. tmichel
add Implements a wagon wich is inherited from wagon-http-lightweight. tmichel